Sunday, January 4, 2009

18 month updates

On December 15th Samantha turned 18 months old and on December 18th mommy forgot about her doctor appointment completely so I don't have any stats. She's still a peanut though and wears mostly 12 month clothes. A couple 6-9 months items and a couple 18 month items as well but mostly 12 months. Quite the difference from what Dominic was wearing at this point! She's still nursing although I have been putting her off unless it's nap or night time. Something about hearing "Nurse now please" is a little odd. Dominic had weaned at this point although I was pregnant and he always liked his pacifier which Samantha has never gotten into. It's definitely a comfort to her though because every time she gets hurt she immediatley asks to nurse. I've been saying no though to that and just cuddling instead.

Her independent streak continues and "no, I do it" is a very common phrase coming from her! And frequently she can actually do it which is very cool. Other common sayings are "my turn" or "that's mine." She frequently points out what she wants by saying "the yellow one." Now you may think that she must really love yellow. Unfortunately she doesn't seem to have any idea what yellow is. So if she says that she wants the yellow book, that doesn't actually mean the yellow book. It could mean the purple book or the blue book. It can be a little trying. She is trying to get some colors down though and counts a bit as well. She has also started responding to the answers to her question with "oh!" So a pretty typical conversation is "What happened?" "The cup fell down" "Oh!" It's very cute! She has become incredible verbal and speaks in phrases most of the time. Of course she's still prone to temper tantrums but we are strongly discouraging them and encourage her to ask for what she wants.

Her newest (and Dominic's as well) obsession is "Mamma Mia" the movie. It's a great movie and I was shocked when Dominic asked to watch it one day. They both love it and sing along with the music. Samantha's favorite song is "Mamma Mia" and if you start singing it she'll respond with "my my." I love it when the kids like something I actually like and it's a nice upbeat movie that I really don't mind having on multiple times a day! She has also gotten into "cooking" in the play kitchen and will often bring you food and say "here mommy, eat." She loves duplo and reading and plays great with Dominic although sharing can somtimes be an elusive concept!

Oh, a little quirk. Samantha is a sleep talker. Ever since she has gained a vocabulary she has spoke words in her sleep. Now that she's speaking more in phrase she has started doing that in her sleep as well. The other night she said "No, that's my chocolate milk! That's mine." I guess work as a secret agent is out!

I just can't believe how fast it's going by! She's getting so big every day!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Oh, Samantha and Olivia sound so much alike. I, too, am trying to distract her from nursing. She not only tells me "nurse, now" but tells me what chair to sit in to nurse her. Goodness, we are in trouble when they are teenagers :)

Hope to see you sometime soon!