It's been a while since I gave an update on Samantha and obviously at this age they change so fast!
Samantha is still a peanut. We measure the kids against the wall every 6 months. On Samantha's birthday she finally reached Dominic's 6 month mark! She's wearing 6-9 month clothes although she can wear some 12 month stuff.
She still loves accessories and will bring you her shoes when she wants them on. She's fairly quiet although can make herself be heard when she wants to! She has a great sly smile when she's proud of herself that's adorable! She was never really into her pacifier and uses it even less now. She's done with bottles and besides nursing only drinks from a sippy cup.
Her new skill is getting up and down from the couch. She's really starting to mimic now as well and is starting to say "thank you" whenever she hands something to you or you hand something to her. She is really into sharing her food now which is sweet although a bit gross at times when it's already been in her mouth! She loves peak a boo! She thinks it's very funny to hide behind a towel or shirt! She's also just started to say "Hi" whenever the phone rings which is very cute!
Samantha is such a sweetheart! She is so happy and easy going!