The kids always look forward to "dojo day." I'm so glad that Samantha is participating again. For a while she had stopped going on the mat. Understandable when you compare her to the 7 four year old boys that were taking the class. Sensei's daughter has started to take class though so Samantha is thrilled to be with Evey. Even if they don't always listen so well. Samantha also got her first yellow stripe!
Cinco de mayo was a huge win for the party gods this year. We went from 6 inches of snow on wednesday to high 70s on Saturday! The kids had a great time running around all day.
After some beautiful weather we were all surprised by a good 6 inches of heavy wet snow! The flowers covered in snow was pretty but we lost two trees to the stuff!
Holidays seem to come in phases for these kids. First they got their baskets from Nan & Pop. Samantha's basket was filled with princess stuff. Boy, did Nan & Pop hit the nail on the head on that one. Samantha lives, eats and breathes everything princess these days. (You'll notice she was wearing her own princess stuff while opening the princess basket!) After that the Easter bunny came to our house of course and then we went to Gee & Papa's house where the weather was so beautiful that they got to look for eggs outside. It was a wonderful Easter.
It's been a while since I've updated the kids blogs. In the last two months I've completed my thesis, taken the comprehensive exams on campus in Florida to finish my Masters, been tremendously busy at work and then we all got sick! It's been crazy.
I'm a way too busy mama of two wonderful kids and I've created these blogs to not only share their pictures and achievements with all my friends and family but also to chronicle their childhood which is going by way too fast!