There's very little baby left in Samantha now. She's potty trained, she's all knees and elbows and is getting so big! She has a fantastic imagination that is exercised regularly, mostly with Dominic. She is meticulous about her coloring. In fact she was the last kid still coloring on our project at the library last week. The librarian just told us to bring up the markers when she finished. Like Dominic she loves books, but unlike Dominic I think she's actually interested in learning more about letters. She also loves video games though she hasn't really gotten the hang of the wii so it's mostly the computer. She is still very much the girl and I can not get her into pants for the life of me. We'll have to invest in some leg warmers this winter I think!
Her new favorite word is "actually" which is really cute. Everything is actually this or actually that. The other day we were playing candy land together and she drew a card that would have sent her back on the board. I said "Oh no Samantha, you're way back here." She looked at the board and then said "Actually, I want to win" and she took another card. It was too funny that I let her cheat. :)